Chat with Spirit Membership

Insight and guidance just for you delivered to your inbox each month

Insight and Guidance from
Your Spirit Team

A reading allows your spirit team to offer you their wisdom, insight, guidance, and understanding through a reading  that is delivered right to you every month.

Each Month you will receive your general reading and 10 direct messages from spirit. You then get to respond with one question or concern area from that reading that I will expand on in a separate session with Spirit and return to you within 7 business days.

A General Reading

A general reading that will go over three areas of life: Your personal energies, Your Relationship and Connections, and Your Financial / Work / Studies area. This is a great way to get a general overview of how things "stand" at the moment and how they are progressing as well.

10 Messages From Spirit

Your guides offer to you information, insight, and guidance on 10 different things. These come in random order of importance and are things that spirit wants you to be aware of or bring your attention to in that moment. These may be things like: help in dealing with how to work through a situation, guidance in avoiding pitfalls upcoming, letting you know about the connections that you have (or have coming), or any other "thing" that they find relevant to share with you. 

Area of Concern Reading

A reading regarding a particular area of concern. This will be more in depth in ONE area of your life. You may choose to dive deeper into your general Love area, Financial area, or the energies surrounding a particular situation or circumstance that you find yourself to be in.

So Many Amazing Things Happen In Life When You:

  • Feel Good About the Decisions and Choices You're Making
  • Know that You're on the Right Path
  • Align With Your Life's Purpose
  • See Life Situations from a higher perspective
  • Feel the Love and Comfort your Spirit Team sends to you
  • Learn the Language of your Guides to avoid pitfalls and detours on your ride through life

Annika of Witchful Ways

I have worked with Annika for over 10 years. She tells you like it is and gives you the extra insight to make the best decision possible. She had helped me through many difficult times and gave me the comfort I needed when I doubted my own self.

Shared from Google Reviews

I've had several incredible readings with Annika. Everything that she had told me , has been accurate  or come true within a few months. She has an incredible gift. She's kind and caring always leaving you with peace of mind ❤️

Shared from Google Reviews

I have used the services of Annika with Chat with Spirit many times. There’s always a quick response & helps you feel at ease with whatever you have going on. If you need clarification on your reading, she is happy to help. I highly recommend her & all of her services she offers!

Shared from Google Reviews

Receive your reading monthly right to your inbox.
Readings are delivered by 10pm CT on the second Friday following the first of the month. 

Due to time restraints I can only offer this membership to 10 people at a time so that I can give proper individual attention to each session and keep the energetic connection open and free flowing which gives an overall improvement to each session.

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Monthly Subscription

$75 USD

per month

  • Monthly Messages

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